
24 July 2013

Film Review: Wreck-It Ralph

Wreck-It Ralph   6/10
Director: Rich Moore
Starring: John. C Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer
Plot: Video game icon Ralph, travels through an arcade from game to game, in a desperate attempt to be a hero.

The animation market has become incredibly diluted in recent years; in 2012 alone, audiences saw Brave, Frankenweenie, Hotel Transylvania, The Lorax, Madagascar 3, Paranorman and Rise of the Guardians, to name a few. Unfortunately, it seems that;  the more animations, the more predictable they become – Wreck-It Ralph however seems to have revived my interest in a little.

Set across numerous video game worlds, Wreck-It Ralph is packed full of references to childhood favourites and the essence of these game worlds are captured perfectly. John C Reilly is the perfect choice to voice Ralph, switching from being an ‘emotional wreck,’ to angry and to sad in a matter of seconds as well as pulling off comedy (which he seems to do best, an example being in Step Brothers). Funnily enough, Reilly did have some input and has been credited as a writer for the project. This is, therefore, where the film really shines – in its script. There are jokes for children and adults alike, and they’re pleasingly consistent throughout.

Looking at the downsides, the film isn't particularly noteworthy for its animation. There are moments where the film is bursting with colour yet there’s nothing unique when compared to other animations that have gone before; it could still be seen as equally effective as some of the greats from over ten years ago. Similarly, the film isn't entirely fantastic on its characters; there seems to be an abundance of them thrown into the mix, and they all seem to pop in and out for little or no reason (something they could have held back on by introducing characters in possible sequels).

In Conclusion: Wreck-It Ralph sits towards the middle of the animation market; with its clever gags, fabulous voice actors and a fresh storyline. On the downside, it still doesn’t fit into the top band alongside Finding Nemo and The Incredibles (I think) and a sequel may not be entirely welcomed or needed.

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