
30 November 2012

Film Review: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2   7/10
Director: Bill Condon
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Michael Sheen
Plot: the Cullens gather vampires from all corners of the globe in order to protect the new-born Renesmee; following false allegations from the Volturi.

The Twilight Saga is either loved or hated by an individual; all five instalments, whether you love them or hate them, have all brought something unique to the tale. Bill Condon, the director of the two Breaking Dawn parts, has finished the Twilight saga with ease.

Part 2, despite suffering from a fairly slow and uneventful Part 1, is surprisingly entertaining, funny and satisfying. The film thankfully diverges away from the anti-climatic book finale which fans all wanted to see changed. The film, unlike previous instalments, has an incredible opening ten minutes; we are thrown into an opening credits scene with wonderful cinematography and whilst this is all very touching, it’s the moment we see Bella’s eyes open that it all begins. The opening ten minutes are captivating ; Bella’s scrounge for human blood is not only fairly comical but also very informative; Condon uses impressive visuals to show vampire senses, throwing the audience into the mind of Bella which is done perfectly. As well as this, the build-up to the battle in this film is very exciting; as Bella and Edward go all over the world in search of help, we get to see all sorts of vampire powers (however, some are uninteresting and not at all inspiring!)

The only criticism I have for this film is the special effects. The opening scene was very realistic, however the final battle and moments of high velocity (when the vampires are running very, very fast) the effects are quite distracting. The new-born, super fast growing baby Renesmee also looks more like a Sims character than a real child, something a series which has grossed billions should’ve corrected.

In Conclusion: with moments of humour and intense violence, it seems the Twilight Saga has learnt from its mistakes, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and finishes with a satisfactory finale.


  1. I must say I agree too. It was probably the best because it wasn't so awkward, cheesy, and painful to watch.

    1. Definitely! I thought the second film, New Moon, suffered from taking itself too seriously. I thought it was nice in this film how they used humour in parts that could've been seen to be 'serious'!

      I also found that it was the only film (except perhaps Eclipse) that deserves its 'fantasy' title. The opening with Bella as a vampire I thought was fantastic, the sweeping shots of her flying were very cinematic! It's a shame that the some of the previous films didn't try to push the boat out, I think if they were all made from a more darker angle (and better scripts!) more people would've seen them.

  2. I saw the previous one but I haven't seen this one yet. By the way, I also read your post about "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", which I tremendously enjoyed. In fact, I even wrote about it here:

