
4 November 2012

Film Review: Skyfall

Cinema: Skyfall   8/10
Director: Sam Mendes
Starring: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Naomie Harris
Plot: MI6 is under attack and 007 returns to destroy the threat.

Following the phenomenal Casino Royale in 2006, the reviews suggested that Quantum of Solace left audiences feeling a little empty. However, I thought Quantum was relatively entertaining, with enough action to cover its clumsy storyline.

Although Skyfall has been deemed by many as the best Bond yet, I don’t think it has the edge that Casino had; nor the intense bleakness. However, Skyfall does bring a number of cards to the table. Firstly, it seems more of a throwback to the old Bonds with the cars, gadgets and ‘old’ characters coming back to helm the screen. Also the plot, on the whole is fairly good; it’s a typical track down and ‘find whoever did this’ type of plot and is nice in its simplicity.

The opening scene is perhaps the best of all. Never has an opening to a Bond film had so many different angles, sections and locations! Mendes does a tremendous job of cutting from M in the office to Bond racing through markets and on rooftops, throwing the audience between the quietness of a
London office to the chaos that ensues abroad. As well as the opening sequence, the title segment in which the theme song appears (by Adele) is fantastically chilling; throwing the audience into a world of villains, women and guns – it was the best possible start for a film to have been seen in a long while.

Where Skyfall seems to differ to the previous two Bonds is in its humour. Throughout, there are many one-liners which are sometimes very successful and executed at the perfect moment, yet others are a bit forced and clumsy. Many claim this to be like the original Bonds (fair enough!)

In Conclusion: Skyfall is tightly plotted, full of fantastic action sequences, humour and gadgets. Whilst it doesn’t quite reach the uniqueness and edginess of Casino Royale, it is several notches above Quantum in its scale and is a worthy Bond to continue the legend. And the ending, well, you decide.

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